Tuesday, August 23, 2011

why start a blog

Being retired I now have time to do things that I have not had time for previously.  People have often asked me if I ever had to start over, is there a another career path that I would take.  If I had to make that decision with the knowledge and wisdom that I now have, I would probably choose to do some sort of ministry.  Over my lifetime, I have been blessed to have heard many excellent preachers/teachers from a very varied background.  I have also been blessed with the most fantastic wife who is also my best friend.  Many people have commented that they wish that they had a marriage like ours.  Trust me it does not happen by accident

Today I talked to a craftsman in Branson, Missouri and he shared with me that he had a website where he daily wrote down his thoughts.  He was in his 70's and had multiple life experiences in multiple fields.  As I was talking to him I realized that I, too, had multiple careers and varied life experiences. I also have a desire to share some of what I have learned and experienced with my friends. 

It is with this in mind, I am starting blog.  I will be sending out an e-mail to my friends and family making them aware of this blog.  They can check it out if they desire, but I will not be offended if they do not.  I don't know exactly how often I will post to this blog or how long it will last but every journey is started with one step; so, here goes

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