Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pretend it's football!

I had not planned on writing anything today, but I woke during the night, as nature was calling; and I had some thoughts that I felt that I should share.  What if we treated going to church and worshipping as if it were a football game.  Would we sit in 90 degree heat, 20 degree cold, rain, snow, sleet, stand up half the game just to see, put up with obnxious fans in the pews around us and sit through games when your team is getting clobbered.  A lot of us will use any excuse to avoid church.

Many years ago, I was convicted over the fact that I got more excited about football than I did about my relationship with my heavenly Father.  I had no problem acting stupid and being a not so nice person when Michigan lost.  Well, in tune with yesterday's blog, I made a decision to change that.  I quit going to football games for several years, then went back; but the desire was not the same.  Today, it's been years since I have gone to a football game.  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think that football is a sin or evil; but when it consumes you, then maybe you should reflect on priorities.  This goes for any hobby, be it fishing, hunting, golf, blogging, facebooking, sudoku-ing, you name it.  It may be work.  Anything that has a tendency to consume your time and/or emotions.

This blog is not about football; but your relationship with your heavenly Father, the most important person in your life.  Spend time with Him!!!

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